Friday, October 12, 2012

FSYO Season Opener ~ Sun 10/14 @ 4pm

It's concert week! Join us for the 56th Season Opening Concert this Sunday, October 14, 4pm, Bob Carr PAC with Autumn Rain Symphony Cricks playing in Symphonic Orchestra this year. 

Did you know that ALL teachers, including private instrument teachers, receive complimentary admission to FSYO concerts?

That's right - Show your teacher / professor ID (or let us know you teach an instrument privately) at the Box Office, and we'll escort you right in!

And join us for a special post-concert reception, provided by our friends at The Yum Yum Truck and downtown credo! Dr. Ayaho Yonetani will join FSYO’s Symphonic Orchestra during the Brahms Concerto for an exciting solo performance. She is a doctor of musical arts, a full professor of violin and viola at UCF and a member of Japan’s premier chamber ensemble, Kioi Sinfonietta Tokyo. For more info see:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

They say it takes a village

They say it takes a village to raise a child. 
So what does it take to raise a musician? 
And what does it take to raise a prodigy like AR? 
A city?  A state?  A nation?

Listening to my favorite jazz station this afternoon, I heard the interviewer speak of all the parents that have raised musicians and she laughed about all of the unknown costs involved raising her own trombonist son.   The scholarships for jazz musicians that her organization give are not huge, $500 to 1,000 but she said that every little bit helps when you are raising a musician. 

So very true, whether it is for instruments, repairs, necessary music, tuxedos or formals to wear at concerts, rosin, slide grease, new strings or new mouth pieces, the necessities never cease.

Remembering a conversation we had with Mark Fischer, OPO's principle french horn and General Manager this week at her tutor session, who said, "When you look at an orchestra, the value just in the instruments alone on stage is staggering.  When you think of the costs it took to get each one of those professionals through years of tutors, orchestras, bands, etc, it's amazing."  I will never look at the OPO in the same way again.

Necessities.  In her world, it's costly.  In fact, AR's expenses totaled over $4,000 for her music endeavors last year.  Many activities she participated in would not have been possible without the generosity of honorable organizations like the Orlando Kiwanis, financial scholarships from FSYO as well as FSU for summer orchestra camp.  Some of her $800 band bill was paid for by selling advertisement in the band and orchestra programs.  Some of the $1,000 for orchestra and nationals in Atlanta came from 1U friends, family and extra jobs for mom and dad. Some was earned by AR, playing for hours in front of Publix, Barney's or Dexter's restaurant. A lot was earned by AR's parents, gifted by grandparents, friends and family.  AR has been blessed. 

This year's budget is a bit higher and more challenging as the WPHS Marching band will be going to the Bands of America marching competition this October and AR has moved up to the FSYO's Symphonic orchestra so all new attire is necessary. In fact, if you've seen her lately, then you know that all new attire for orchestra and band is needed too as she's grown a foot!

So, if you are a friend of AR, and you would like to show your support for her passionate commitment to music, please consider one or more of the following ways you can help:
  • Direct donations can be mailed or done online through PayPal to the AR Symphony Music account. This account pays for all the incidentals and remaining balances on music fees, etc. *

       Send a note to for a snail mail address.
  • Purchase an advertisement in one of the Winter Park music programs.  You get a great demographic audience and 60% goes into AR's band or orchestra accounts.  DEADLINE Sept 12
  • Purchase Candles, art and or jewelry from Deidra and 50% goes into the AR Symphony Music account.
  •  Purchase one of the numerous products she will be selling throughout the year.
  • Share AR's story and her passion with friends that might be inspired to help raise this child.

THANK YOU for whatever help you can give, have given or will give!   You are a blessing to us.

more photos by Tina Holmes at